Corona Update

COVID‐19: An Update from Nucletron and its affiliates

Healthiness and personal wellbeing are important and hardly questioned assets in today’s society. Among
many other countries Germany has been hit by the Corona‐Virus and although the German Government
has not yet announced a nation‐wide curfew or lockdown many restrictions in various sectors apply
already. It is our responsibility to slow down the spread of this disease, to ease its effect on the German
healthcare system and our top priority must be the protection of the identified risk groups.

In light of the COVID‐19 pandemic and in order to help to stem the virus distribution, Nucletron has taken
the decision to reduce the simultaneous presence of our staff at the various Nucletron offices to a vital
number. The safety and security of the Nucletron employees, their families and our valued business
partners is of paramount importance and we take this responsibility very seriously. We appreciate the
altruistic support of our staff.

Until further notice part of our staff will be available on our premises and in turns whilst the other staff
members will be at your service from their home office. All coordinates and contact details such as phone,
cell and email remain unchanged.

Unless limited by statutory, social or logistic restrictions Nucletron will maintain its supply chain.

At our customer’s request the delivery of goods in stock scheduled for delivery at a later date this year can
be brought forward and will be shipped at your requested date, the invoice date will be set to the originally
settled delivery date. However, please note that the set invoice date respectively the originally agreed
delivery date must not exceed 30th of June 2020.

Please take care of yourself and your fellow human beings. We thank you for your continued support oft
Nucletron, it is invaluable during these uncertain times.

Yours sincerely

The Executive Board
of Nucletron Electronic Aktiengesellschaft

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